Friday 2 September 2016


Language: English

Author: Ashwin Sanghi

Publisher: Westland Ltd

Published Year: 2016


This Book like other books are aimed at showcasing the greatness of India and its history to the world with the help of fiction. Its starts with Ashoka, the celebrated warrior King of  Mauryan Empire and his "nine unknown men" the secret society supposed to be formed by him.

The Story goes by describing the life of Aravind, the son of a well off businessman from Calcutta and Arbaaz, the son of a dock labourer from Bombay. Aravind grows on to become a businessman and grows fast using dirty plots to trap successful businessmen to support his growth and creates many enemies on the way. Arbaaz becomes the henchman of Abdul dada, a notorious but helpful Don of Bombay. Fate makes them enemies in the first instance that they meet. Aravind's girlfriend was married by Arbaaz and Aravind marries another girl. After the death of Abdul dad Arbaaz becomes the new head and he enters politics and moves his illegal activities underground. Eventually Arbaaaz, a supporter of Congress party goes on to become the Cabinet minister while Aravind becomes a strong business aid of BJP. Their lives come to a crossroad when Aravind's son and Arbaaz's daughter marries.
In betwwen the stories of Arbaaz and Aravind some odd events related to famous kings through the ages are also showed. Also showcased is the character Adyapika Jyothi, who is lady sage involved in helping the downtrodden. 

>Historical  events and persons are showed somewhat accurately
>Showcases Indian situations well
>The pride of India and its historical Knowledge is upheld.

>Story line is not very captivating
>Ending of the story became very unrealistic
>Narration style had too much of Jeffrey Archer narration style

The  was not a bad read but at many points "Dan Brown of India"(Ashwin Sanghi is nicknamed so) adopted Jeffrey Archer style of narration. After reading this I would say he is "Jeffrey Archer of Indiia with a small hint of Dan Brown narration style.

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