Wednesday 7 September 2016


Language: English

Authors: J K Rowling, Jack Throne, John Tiffany

Publisher: Little Brown

Published Year: 2016


This is the eight book of the Harry Potter series. A story that happens 17 years later.

This book was published as a result of an attempt to satisfy the unquenchable desire of the Harry Potter fans worldwide. The story tries to showcase what happened to Harry Potter after the Battle of Hogwarts. How he managed his job, his family life etc. It also makes us realize the difficulties of the son of the saviour for the magical world. The expectations to achieve something but failing to do so.

The book is in drama form. It starts where the 7th book, Deathly Hallows, ended. Harry's second son Albus is placed in Slytherin, the House which is supposed to be more evil and he befriends Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy, Harry's school enemy. His School years passes and he distances himself from his father, as he isn't able to achieve anything in life. Then he starts realizing that his father is not perfect and he wants to achieve something by redoing his father's mistake. So he decides to save Cedric Diggory, who died in vain. For that he finds a time turner and moves back in time with help of Scorpius and Delphi, a nurse taking care of Amos Diggory, father of Cedric. This leads to unthinkable consequences.
To know what happens read the book.........................

>Included many parts from fans fictions, which had showed many of the elements in this play far before
>Was able to satisfy Harry Potter fans
>The story was able to showcase the mindset and feelings of characters well

> Basic principles coined in the first 7 books about time travel is entirely
>The Script format was unexpected and many readers were not happy with it
>The story was too much for audience to aphrehend

It was good to read the eight book though it failed to keep with the standards of its predecessors. The theme went above the heads of many Harry Potter fans as the basic principles laid down in previous books was abandoned

Friday 2 September 2016


Language: English

Author: Ashwin Sanghi

Publisher: Westland Ltd

Published Year: 2016


This Book like other books are aimed at showcasing the greatness of India and its history to the world with the help of fiction. Its starts with Ashoka, the celebrated warrior King of  Mauryan Empire and his "nine unknown men" the secret society supposed to be formed by him.

The Story goes by describing the life of Aravind, the son of a well off businessman from Calcutta and Arbaaz, the son of a dock labourer from Bombay. Aravind grows on to become a businessman and grows fast using dirty plots to trap successful businessmen to support his growth and creates many enemies on the way. Arbaaz becomes the henchman of Abdul dada, a notorious but helpful Don of Bombay. Fate makes them enemies in the first instance that they meet. Aravind's girlfriend was married by Arbaaz and Aravind marries another girl. After the death of Abdul dad Arbaaz becomes the new head and he enters politics and moves his illegal activities underground. Eventually Arbaaaz, a supporter of Congress party goes on to become the Cabinet minister while Aravind becomes a strong business aid of BJP. Their lives come to a crossroad when Aravind's son and Arbaaz's daughter marries.
In betwwen the stories of Arbaaz and Aravind some odd events related to famous kings through the ages are also showed. Also showcased is the character Adyapika Jyothi, who is lady sage involved in helping the downtrodden. 

>Historical  events and persons are showed somewhat accurately
>Showcases Indian situations well
>The pride of India and its historical Knowledge is upheld.

>Story line is not very captivating
>Ending of the story became very unrealistic
>Narration style had too much of Jeffrey Archer narration style

The  was not a bad read but at many points "Dan Brown of India"(Ashwin Sanghi is nicknamed so) adopted Jeffrey Archer style of narration. After reading this I would say he is "Jeffrey Archer of Indiia with a small hint of Dan Brown narration style.

Monday 24 June 2013


1.Inferno-Dan Brown

2.And the Mountains Echoed-Khaled Hossein

3.Revenge wears Prada-Lauren Weisberger 

4.A Wanted Man-Lee Child

5.The Hit-David Baldacci

6.Gone Girl-Gillian Flynn

7.Zero Hour-Clive Cussler,Graham Brown

8.Entwined with You-Sylvia Day
9.Joyland-Stephen King
10.Kill Room-Jeffery Deaver

1.Oath of Vayuputras-Amish

2.Inferno-Dan Brown

3.Manuscript found in Accra-Paulo Coelho

4.Can Love happen twice-Ravinder Singh

5.Life is what you make it-Preeti Shenoy

6.Two States-Chetan Bhagat

7.The Accidental Apprentice-Vikas Swarup

8.Krishna Key-Ashwin Sanghi

9.Best Kept Secrets-Jeffrey Archer

10.If God was a Banker-Ravi Subramanian

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Language: English
Author: Amish Tripathi
Publisher: Westland ltd
Publishing Year: 2010
This is the first book of the Shiva trilogy by Amish. Published first on 2010, this book has been in the bestseller list till date.
Shiva Trilogy
This is a book series by Amish, an IIM alumni.The books are The Immortals of Meluha, The Secrets of the Nagas, The Oath of the Vayuputras, all the of which have made it into the Bestseller list and also led the list during most of the pay two years.
This book like the other two books of the series is aimed at giving Lord Shiva, the Hindu God, a human form and nature.This book not only succeeded in making the readers believe Shiva was truly a human, but also answers most of the questions that may arise in the Readers mind, even explaining the identities of other characters in the legend of Lord Shiva.As well as doing this Amish has also took a further move by explaining the near perfect society of the Indus Valley civilisation and also giving an insight to the technological advancements possessed by ancient Indians.
Shiva and his tribe the Gunas, a Himalayan tribe, are led into the near perfect nation of Meluha, which was attracting foreigners to their nation to increase the population.And when the Gunas are met at the entrance to Meluha, Srinagar, they are administered with Somaras, the drink of gods.This makes Gunas sick and was told that all the disease causing germs inside them are ridden by this.
But what stuns everyone is the turning of Shivas neck to blue.Then does he learn about the legend of "Neelkanth", the blue necked lord, who will defeat the evil Chandravanshis and end the evil.
Shiva then gets travelled to the capital city Devagiri, where he learns about the Meluhan customs and administration.On the way he meets a Vasudev pandit at a temple.He also meets a brave warrior woman, whom helps in defending from a Chandravanshi terrorist attack.He also falls in love with her at the first sight.On reaching Devagiri he learns that Sati was the Emperor's only daughter and heir.
He learns more about Meluha and its people at Devagiri.Then be befriends Brahaspathi,the scientist of Meluha,at Mount Mandar(where Somaras are produced).And he also learns about the scientific advancements of the Meluhans.They also face a terrorist attack from Nagas and Chandravanshis on the way back which they could counter only due to Shiva's intelligence and braveness only. Then Shiva goes on a journey throughout Meluha to announce his presence to the common people of Meluha.
On this journey Shiva and Sati becomes more close and also he abolishes the Vikarma system,a social injustice.He also faces a terrorist attack by the Chandravanshis near to the end of the journey, which leaves Sati with a deadly wound.Shiva helps her recover.
Shiva and Sati gets married, soon after that, at Devagiri and Brahaspati returns to his lab in Mount Mandar, where the Somara plants are situated.But that night Mount Mandar gets blasted up and the somara plant is destroyed and so is Brahaspati.This angers Shiva beyond control.
He orders for war with Chandravanshis, responsible for Mount Mandar episode, and also develops innovative techniques and weapons against the Chandravanshi forces who are ten times their number.They move to Swadeep, the land of Chandravanshis and gets ready for war and on the way he gets to know that Sati is pregnant.
Due to Shiva's ingenious plans and vikarma army's bravery the Mehulan force wins the war easily.And they moves into Ayodhya, capital of Swadeep, where Shiva realises that Chandravanshis also believe in "Neelkanth" legend and that they are not evil but just different and also comes across another Vasudev Pandit with who se help he tries to answer his questions.On his way back he and Sati meets the Naga who lead all terrorist attacks and also killed Brahaspati.
> The story narration is good and compels us to go on reading.
> The systems prevailing in the period of the story is given in minute details.
> The book is able to give logical explanation to all the questions that may arise in the readers mind.
> Characters of Shiva, Sati, Brahaspati and Parvateshwar, the army chief are strong and is drawn well in the storyline.
> The book also has many surprises and twists, but never makes the reader confused to the basic line of story.
> The systems and technologies described are too sophisticated to be believed to have been truly in existence.
> At many situations the time sense gets lost as some parts move like it is in the modern era and at other times it moves back to the same ancient age.
> More Indian terms are used that make the reader confused.
> Some of the ideas like the veil in Shiva's are difficult to understand.
This book provides an amazing reading experience for those who are seeking for entertainment and also information.It also succeeds in taking the reader into a different world created by the author


Friday 15 February 2013


Yesterday was Valentines day.The day of roses, sweets, gifts and kisses too.
But what is love? what is Valentine? Some may say love is the feeling of attraction of inner self,a divine feeling, once in a life time feeling etc
Love clinic

Monday 28 January 2013


I wont be posting anything for next 2-3 Weeks due to examination. Kindly apologize. I will be posting every Thursday from 14th of February 2013.Expect me on every Thursday from this Valentines day.


Thursday 3 January 2013


Going to gym has gained momentum lately. I have been thinking why such a sudden increase in number of boys going to gym(many girls are also going). The reasons they many say are for timepass or body building or fitness.
This sudden increase in fitness consciousness has lead to a great increase in the number of gyms and health clubs.
One of the most important reason behind this new trend is misbelief among boys that girls are crazy about muscles and six packed body, which is partially true. But just only having a good body have never made a girl fall in love with a guy.Its just like something we get as free while consuming something. But this concept of girls is misinterpreted. A very famous example of this false concept is depicted in the film "Thattathin Marayath" were hero Vinod's friend Abdu describes to him about his "thought to be rival" in love, Imthiyas, having six pack.

And now about the said reasons
1.Timepass-: Ridiculous,i must say cause no gym has a dancing desk or pub or cinema attached to provide timepass nor does the activities there.No game is played. And its easy to recreate the same